Mugshots to open on Cecil B. Moore

Quick: Where can you get coffee on Main Campus? There’s Saxby’s, Dunkin Donuts, the Barnes and Noble Starbucks, the TECH Center Starbucks (which, in my humble opinion, is much better), 7-Eleven and the various lunch trucks on Montgomery Ave., 12th and 13th streets. While the TECH Center Starbucks offers the comfy couch area, the coffee is really only sub-par and is always packed with zombie students filing a line that stretches to the security desk. The “coffee shop” image has really dwindled on campus. Can’t a girl just get coffee with a friend anymore without waiting for half an hour?

Yes, yes she can. And you can, too. Mugshots, a local cafe with locations in Brewerytown and Fairmount recently closed its Manayunk location and is looking up Broad Street for its new home. The coffeehouse is set to open at 1520 Cecil B. Moore Ave. in the Beech International Village building, according to an article on Naked Philly.

There is no expected open date yet, but we assume when Beech opens, Mugshots will follow suite. And with a menu consisting of vegetarian, vegan and all-around delicious options (Vegan Reubans, black bean burritos, custom breakfast sandwiches, the list goes on…), I certainly can’t wait to ditch the ole’ ‘Bucks for something a little, well, yummier.