Facing emergency, Temple remains open

It’s beginning to look like something you’d read in the satirical Onion newspaper rather than a legit news source.

As of Sunday night, while a winter nor easter is passing through the Delaware Valley dumping what could be as much as a foot of snow on the ground, Temple University remains open, according to temple.edu/alert. Acknowledging that the city declared a weather emergency, Temple reports this, posted at 8:30 p.m.

A winter storm warning with the potential for several inches of snow has been issued for Philadelphia and surrounding communities. Temple University administrators are monitoring the situation and will make an evaluation early Monday morning regarding classes.

In other words, pack your books for your 8:40 class, as Fox 29’s John Bolaris just called a “hazardous situation” forming on the roads between 7 and 11 a.m. tomorrow.

The snow-day tradition at Temple is nothing new, so you shouldn’t be surprised. Bundle up out there.

DISCLAIMER: Of course, this is a intentionally satirical post but contains factual information from Temple’s Web site. Stay with Broad & Cecil for information on any potential Temple closing.