Tyler dean responds to Inqy quote

therese-dolan.jpgThe Philadelphia Inquirer ran an article Tuesday about the Tyler School of Art’s relocation to Main Campus.

One source interviewed was interim dean Therese Dolan, who was discussing funding for the school — and implied that alumni aren’t able to give much for the effort.

“I wish I was the law, medical or business school dean,” said interim dean Therese Dolan. “Their alumni have deep pockets. Ours are still waitressing.”

That quote prompted an e-mail from Dolan to the Tyler listserv about the article. She said she was “pleased” to see the long article featured but “dismayed” that her words were “taken out of context.”

She goes on to list a series of notable Tyler alumni and to mention the 56 grants available to Tyler students.

Before providing a link to the article, Dolan ended the e-mail by saying the following:

I could not be prouder to be Interim Dean of our nationally anked art school with its extraordinarily talented faculty and students.