2 Tickets to See Serena Ryder on 2/20!

What is better than answering a question correctly and winning 2 free tickets?! Hmm… Yes, it might take awhile to figure out that answer. But why take the time to figure out the answer when 2 free tickets are waiting for you below!


Serena Ryder is a new and upcoming artist playing at World Cafe Live on Friday, February 20th! And The Temple News has 2 tickets to give away to you! All you have to do is answer the question below, send it to advertising@temple-news.com by Monday, February 16th, and you will be one step closer to snatching your tickets!

And…the question is: Our editor-in-chief is The Chris Stover. How many hours of sleep does he get in one week?

There you go folks! Take a wild guess, or if you know the answer… even better!

Free tickets to early screening of The International!

Looking for something to do this Thursday? Not planning on being thirsty?

Well, stop by The Temple News office and pick up a free ticket to a screening of The International, the thriller starring Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. The screening is Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Pearl Theater, located at Broad and Oxford.


Each ticket admits two, so only one ticket will be given out to each person. Come and get ’em!