Hawk swoops in for the kill

Students walking near the Bell Tower this afternoon may have noticed an unusual scene not normally part of their everyday walk around campus.

Around 3:30 p.m., a hawk swooped down upon an unsuspecting squirrel in the middle of the grassy area near 13th Street and Beury Hall, making the much smaller creature its late lunch. Student onlookers gasped at the somewhat gruesome, somewhat mystifying display that unfolded, as many gathered in a safe perimeter around the majestic bird.

I’ve never seen anything attack its prey like that,” said sophomore journalism major Maria Zankey. “I never expected to see it happen right smack-dab in the middle of campus. Plus I’m a vegetarian, so my gag reflexes were definitely tested.”

For over a half hour the hawk enjoyed its meal, undisturbed by spectators too frightened to come anywhere near the carnage. When the hawk was finished eating, it flew up to the tree above, sitting and waiting, perhaps for the next squirrel stupid enough to cross the grassy plaza.

The hawk lies in wait in a tree near the Bell Tower.

The hawk lies in wait in a tree near the Bell Tower. (Kevin Cook/TTN)

Be sure to pick up the February 24th issue of The Temple News and check out our survey of campus wildlife in the Temple Living section.