Former football player postpones hearing

Praise Martin-Oguike, a former linebacker for the football team charged with rape and sexual assault, had his court hearing postponed Thursday morning after signing a waiver to delay his proceedings until July 31.

Martin-Oguike faces charges stemming from a May 26 incident in his 1940 Residence Hall dorm room in which a woman alleges the former football player raped and sexually assaulted her. Martin-Oguike has been suspended from the football team pending the charges.

James Funt, Martin-Oguike’s attorney, maintained his client’s innocence in a press release on June 14.

“Praise Martin-Oguike’s entire life and liberty have been jeopardized by these unfounded accusations,” Funt said. “Pending the final resolution of this matter he has been unjustly expelled from school, his collegiate scholarship funding has been revoked and he has been kicked off the football team based solely on uncorroborated accusations.    We look forward to presenting the full story before a jury as soon as possible.”

Martin-Oguike, football coach Steve Addazio and Funt were not available for comment Thursday.