Philly’s in the red

According to this nifty, interactive infographic, which was composed using local area unemployment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there have been 4,197,371 jobs lost nationwide since February 2008 as of February 2009.

The data shown for each month on the map show the number of net job gains in blue or losses in red, as compared to those the same month a year earlier.

While the most up-to-date stat for Philadelphia county (610 jobs lost since February 2008) isn’t as extreme that of some other major citys on the map (take L.A. county with 230,028 jobs lost since February 2008), the data varies from month to month, as just a month earlier in January 2009, Philly lost 2,503 jobs since the year before.

If numbers aren’t your thing, press the green ‘play’ button and let the blue-turned-red map speak for itself. Yikes.