Temple has a YouTube contest?

The other day, a drunkard came into the Student Center and proclaimed, “I love being an owl!”

Well, Mr. Drunkard, now is your chance to show your pride.

Other than those pesky Temple Today e-mails, the poster in Annenberg Hall and the lonely flyer on the second floor of the Student Center, the “I’m a Temple Owl” video contest has been pretty low-key. Temple’s YouTube Web site only has a total of 28 videos and half of them are not about Temple love.

If you still want to enter, there’s plenty of time.  The deadline is May 3.  The person who gets the gold will be awarded a Flip MinoHD camcorder and a “15-second version of video spotlighted on 6ABC.com.” The silver award winner will receive a 64GB flash drive and the lucky bronzer gets a “gift bag filled with commemorative Temple 125th anniversary gear” — probably from all the 125th anniversary gear left over from the bookstore!

The top 10 that are rated most popular will be reviewed by three judges.