Happy birthday, Kurt Vonnegut

Having trouble getting revved up to celebrate Veterans Day? Are you simply too drained from World Series and Election parties to really get it up for the Armistice? While that’s understandable, I may be able to help you over the celebratory hump yet: for not only is today Veterans Day, it’s also Kurt Vonnegut’s 86th birthday.

The love affair between Vonnegut and college students has lasted more than half a century now, unaffected even by his death in early 2007 – a dedication and longevity that bicycles and organic produce can still only gaze upon with envy.

If you’re a Vonnegut fan, what better time than now to finally get around to reading one of his lesser works? Or, if you’ve read them all, dipping back into one yet again? And if you’ve yet to try any of his works, why not start now? I’d recommend Cat’s Cradle, but that’s just me.

Happy birthday, Kurt.