Somebody could be watching you

Next time you’re checking out your reflection in front of a billboard try not to do anything too embarrassing. Depending on which advertisement you’re walking by, someone might be looking back.

A French company, Quividi, is allowing advertisers to take a peak at who is looking at their billboards and one of them happens to be in Philadelphia. is reporting that one these”magic billboards” is in Suburban Station. The ad is for the indoor football team, the Philadelphia Soul.

Quividi’s technology allows cameras in the ads to analyze facial features to determine age and gender. According to a recent New York Times article  Quividi isn’t using race as a parameter but are able to and will in the future.

The goal of the tiny cameras is to customize images based on who is standing in front of the ad. Billboards will become more age and gender specific.

If seen as successful and not overly Big Brother like the cameras could spread to more billboards.

Be careful next time you’re picking your nose while staring at your reflection in an ad.