Crime report of the week – Spit on car


Not many interesting crimes this week (as you can tell by the utterly boring title of this post), but they can’t all be gems, folks. Anyway, here’s a little something:

Someone was a little pissed off on Monday. Or a lot, depending on how offensive you find saliva to be.
According to the daily crime report, a student reported that someone spit on her car between 3:30 p.m. and 10:30 a.m. April 7. It’s unclear whether this happened overnight Sunday into Monday or Monday into Tuesday, but that’s irrelevant. The interesting part here is that first of all, said spit had some pretty impressive staying power – that’s like, a 19-hour time span! Whoever perpetrated this – gasp – horrific crime must of had one wicked cold going on to hock up something that lasted that long. Sorry, it had to be said.

Watch out for those people spitting on cars – spit eats away your paint. Really.

In more scintillating news, someone littered the other day and a whole bunch of students jaywalked outside the Student Center.

Photo courtesy of Photo shopping by Tyson McCloud, sports editor extraordinaire … Nobody cares.