The Phantom in your Phone

So, what’s all the buzz?

Well, it may or may not be your cell phone.

It could be what doctors are calling Phantom Cell Phone Sensations, or the feeling or hearing of your cell phone when it’s not vibrating or ringing.

Doctors say when you wear your cell phone in the same place for a long period of time (i.e. your front left pocket, a holster to your right side, etc.), your brain is gradually trained to believe the phone is actually part of your body.

Your body becomes more sensitive to all sorts of sensation. Thus, the slightest buzz or hint of a ring tone evokes an immediate reaction to reach for our phone in that designated place on our body.

Think of Pavlov’s dogs.

Doctors equate it to phantom sensations that some amputees feel in the nerve endings of an amputated body part.

But some are saying the root of the feelings could be psychological. As you’re walking down the street thinking about that special someone, your body is at a sensational high. Based on a mental rewards system, your body ‘feels’ the phantom sensation because you want to speak to that person.

Doctors say there’s only one known cure for the phantom cell phone sensations: ditch it.

But doctors also say it’s very doubtful many people will medicate.