Police gather near the scene where a car crashed into a 7-Eleven near Johnson and Hardwick Halls. | JULIE CHRISTIE TTN
UPDATE: Executive Director of Campus Safety Services Charlie Leone said the customer was a 23-year-old male student, and was standing outside the building when he was hit.
He has a broken leg, but is “doing much better than anticipated,” Leone added.
“They’re still doing tests to find any other injuries, but they don’t see anything right now,” he said. “He’s immobilized but his family is with him right now. We’re just waiting at this point.”
Leone said the driver has been charged with driving under the influence, and police still are investigating what happened. His or her identity cannot be released yet because an arraignment has not yet occurred.
He added the other victim, a 7-Eleven employee, sustained minor injuries and has already been released from the hospital.
Two people were injured after a vehicle drove through the window next to the cashiers’ counter in the 7-Eleven on Broad and Diamond streets Saturday night.
At around 10:15 p.m. an employee and a customer were hit by the blue Toyota Corolla when its driver crashed through the window without using any brakes. The vehicle shattered the glass in the windows, bent the metal frame and pushed part of the counter back several feet.
The supervising officer at the scene, who declined to give his name, said one victim was standing outside the building and one inside. Both were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The car crashed through a window at 7-Eleven near Broad and Diamond streets. | ALISON CONRAD FOR TTN
“There were already officers on the scene when it happened,” he said.
The driver, female, was under the influence and uninjured, he added.
Amanda Ward, an undeclared freshman, was walking from White Hall down Broad Street with her friends when they saw the damage after the crash.
“We heard a noise like a flat tire that drew our attention,” Ward said, adding she saw a crowd had gathered outside the 7-Eleven. “There was a guy laying on the counter and someone in the crowd said he had a broken leg.”
Ward said the bumper had fallen off the car and there was antifreeze leaking onto the parking lot.
Police cleared the lot for cleanup and officers gathered inside the building to watch surveillance footage of the crash.
Julie Christie can be reached at julie.christie@temple.edu or on Twitter @ChristieJules.