Professor feedback forms go live

A new website that allows student’s access to professor evaluation forms went live earlier on Oct. 8  has drawn 8,000 hits from 2,000 unique students, Senior Vice Provost Peter Jones said.

The site gathers data from online Student Feedback Forms and will update four times a year Jones said, after the spring, fall and both summer semesters.

All incoming freshmen and transfer students will be given automatic access to the data, and returning students who completed all their spring semester SFF forms will eligible to look at the data.

Students who didn’t complete the spring forms but did so for summer classes will also be given access, Jones said.

The data from this fall semester will update the site in early January, Jones said.

The site is the result of an initiative by several Temple student governments in the past few years who have lobbied for access to professor evaluations. Jones said his office will be reviewing student feedback to the site when it updates in January.