Angered alumnus says, “Don’t eat at the SAC”

The rain is making everyone a little cranky.

A “John Doe,” who claimed he was a 2004 Temple alumni distributed the following unedited letter throughout the atrium of the Student Center today:

Don’t eat at the SAC

History: On May 7, 2009 I ordered a burger and French fries from Burger King. After waiting in line five minutes I decided that I was not going to stand in lie with over twenty people. Keep in mind there was only one register open during lunch time. At a restaurant if you go to Ihop, Friday’s you have the opportunity to pay after you eat, however, the manager snatched my food from my hand. As a result, I will never, eat from the sac. I feel that since I am an African American they assumed that I was going to steal from their restaurant, but I was hungry at the time and I did not want to waiting in a long line and eat cold fries. I suggest you boycott the SAC.


John Doe

At least he’s trying to affect change.